the name referes to the dadaists Max Ernst and Hans Arp and their series of collages called FAbriquation des TAbleaux GAsometriques GArantis. fatagaga is not a musician but a creator of sound structures. He started with analogue recordings on a 4-track-recorder in the early 80ties, formed a noise guitar quartett, went further with electronic music in the 90ties, entered the new millenium with dark drones, returned to anti-music with fatagaga’s radical noise and is active today with several new projects …

is a project of two elderly gentlemen: Nobs Nietzsche and Thomekk. They merge sweetish crooning with unconventional but highly eclectic song structures.

Siggi Becker – Guitar
Stefan Zöllner – Bass
Doc – Drums
Rainer Schütz – Guitar
1990 – 1992