shr-cd014 _ 2007
fatagaga – Taiga
01 _ platomic
02 _ desire
03 _ mosquitodance
04 _ young man, go east
05 _ permafrost
06 _ krasnogorsk
07 _ bollock
08 _ sibirian girl >
09 _ alexandra
10 _ potemkin landscape
11 _ night train
click tracks for 30 sec prelistening
> click for full lenght mp3
CDR – 10,00 | |
mp3 – 6,50 |
price for the CDR is without postage, here you can calculate shipping
originally released on tape 1999 (lowfiction volume 3)
all taiga-session tapes digitally remastered, entitled & re-released
@ Wondervalley Studio Cologne, Germany 2006
music is about a journey that I never did (Ein Brief der nie ankam)
At that time I was enthusiastic about Ritchie Hawtins ‘Consumed‘.
Minimal techno, acid loops with a pushing basic bassdrum